This class is thought by many advanced Higher Balance students to be one of the most advanced courses Eric has ever taught. If you're newer to HBI, it's crucial to get more of the basics down before starting a course like this. If you have a Cube, it is recommended that you get The Sphere along with this and review The Sphere first.
Folding goes into the secret code of using micro-macro that will enable you to have macro effects on the Gaia consciousness using powerful techniques designed to bloom both your consciousness and that of your Cube as one.
Learn how to expand your consciousness far beyond the scope of your sense of self as a human being, and lift your consciousness from its "machinery".
Using Eric's very precise guidance, both in the class and then especially in a 50-minute dreamscape that follows, you will learn the secret yoga of stretching your spatial awareness. As you begin exercising this unique attribute of your psychic sensory, it will in-time take you beyond your wildest expectations. This could happen on your first go, or it may take practice to become skilled with it as most things do, but you can bet it will shift you and leave you with seeds that will sprout, for many instances, in moments when you least expect them too.
(Included is a guided session with a custom-made playlist that will require you to temporarily sign up for Spotify Premium to reap the class’s full benefits. Directions included.)
October 2020, Duration: 2 hours 27 minutes